BTG Americas contributes to the drive towards a sustainable world in harmony with nature by providing products, systems and applications for the development of "Green" buildings. Green" design includes a holistic approach to understanding a building's total impact on the environment.
The US Green Building Council (USGBC) is a non-profit organization composed of a group of disciplines from diverse fields that together promote environmental awareness for design and construction methods. The USGBC influences the way buildings are designed, constructed and operated by establishing measurement parameters through LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
The USGBC LEED rating system promotes and accelerates the global adoption of sustainable green buildings through the development of practices for the creation and implementation of tools and performance criteria that are universally understood.
The LEED rating is a guide and certification tool for globally accepted green building standard metrics, metrics include:
Sustainable Sites
Efficiency in Water Consumption
Energy and Atmosphere
Materials and Resources
Indoor Environmental Quality
Design Innovations
Regional Priority
Based on the compliance with the rating system there are mandatory prerequisites and credits that can be obtained for the listed categories. Depending on the point system a building can achieve the certification grade by the score that was possible to accumulate as follows:
Certification Grade New Construction Existing Construction

There are 100 possible base points plus 6 additional points for design innovation. CAN HELP YOUR PROJECT ACHIEVE LEED CERTIFICATION.
As a supplier of products and systems for energy management and control as well as a variety of equipment and devices for the reduction of water consumption, monitoring and control of air quality, BTG's experience and knowledge of these applications can be an important ally in this purpose.
Within the LEED 2009 scoring system, BTG has solutions that apply within the following parameters:

New construction, each of these listed items has particular needs and some of them require other specialties that are complementary to obtain the particular points.
Existing Construction, in the same way as in New Construction, each of the listed items has particular needs and some of them require other specialties that are complementary to obtain the particular points.


Vía Corporativo
BTG participated from design to implementation. The state-of-the-art technology infrastructure that VIA Corporate has, contributes to a space in harmony with its environment and ecology, the energy management, monitoring and control system provides a rational use of energy, while providing improved comfort conditions for the occupants of the building, consequently a lower use of fossil fuels, this contribution was part of the elements that allowed VIA Corporate to achieve the LEED GOLD rating system.

BTG developed the design, supplied the equipment and systems, and supported the electrical and air conditioning contractors in the implementation and commissioning of the energy management, monitoring and control system, thus helping CENTREX L'OREAL to achieve the LEED GOLD rating.